

My thoughts as an artist!

When you are dealing with a work of art that you have created, you open yourself up to either facing acceptance or rejection. You become completely vulnerable because you are dealing with someone’s choice and their personal taste and opinion regarding the piece of art that you have created and poured all of your passionate heart into.

There are certain things that you must do as an artist if you want to be a success, and let me remind you that what you consider to be success will always be different from what another person declares success to be. Success must first begin with a decision that we are going to be successful! Remember that success is not an accident when it comes, but it is the result of specific, measurable actions that you have taken to propel yourself forward! Never let ANYONE tell you that you can't do something.

Just relax and remind yourself that inability has more to do with attitude. Keep your head up, believe in yourself, and don't move away from your plan. Attitude determines your approach and your approach determines your successes or failures! Remember that the right attitude will usually supersede your level of ability and take you beyond your present level and into a realm where dreams come true. Attitude is everything!