

About my art and passions!

Most often times, our hobbies are what we give our entire heart and soul to. Maybe that is why we grow to be so accomplished in them. They allow us to relax, and escape from the daily pressures of life, and allow us to take off for a moment the hats that we've all learned to wear in our lives.

My hobby and first love was always writing. I could get lost in my thoughts and make sense of the drama that sometimes plagues us in life. I've been writing since I was a little girl, and that gave me a tremendous outlet to create and bring life to whatever I wrote. That passion both invigorated and relaxed me at the same time!

Though I was addicted to writing and still am, deep within my heart I always felt a passionate nudging toward beautiful paintings. I admired them, appreciated them, and desired to create something like that one day. So I began to cultivate this desire in my heart for painting. First with sketching, then with watercolor pencils, then acrylic paints and finally ending with a love for the magic of oil painting. 

It wasn't until after I began painting that I realized the desires within our hearts are most often abilities that we possess and don't even know it. Our desire to do something gives way to pursuing that dream, and our dreams create the level of our abilities! 


I have been a painter now for a couple of years and it has captured every piece of who I am. I adore the lessons that I have learned about living life through painting, and how beginning with a clean, unused canvas is not so different from how we should clear the canvas of our minds to start fresh with each new day. I have learned that in order to relax and absorb all that life brings your way, you must first clear your mind as if to erase the chalk from a black board. When my mind is clear it makes room for the creativity and life to flow from what's inside of my heart outward.

Our hearts and minds are like canvases, and every day we are given the opportunity to paint a beautiful, vibrant masterpiece with the colors of our choices. The choices we make determine what our picture is going to look like at the end of the day! I have found that just as you need your brush to flow across the canvas, you need to relax in your life to obtain a fresh perspective.

I bask within the serenity and peace that flood my spirit and soul as they both silently usher me into my beautiful knotty pine art studio where I am blessed once again spend the day with each of my beloved masterpieces. It's as if all of the pictures that I have created through now sit at attention eagerly anticipating what colors I will mix while they admire how my brush flows effortlessly across the clean canvas that sits on the easel before me. I imagine that they reminisce about how it felt when I used those same strokes to create the picture that have become! They each possess a piece of my heart, my visions, and my dreams!

In a world where we have become so busy that sometimes we don't know whether we're coming or going, I have found my beloved road to ultimate relaxation. I write and I paint. There isn't a day that goes by that I am not blessed to be able to do one or the other, and some days I even get to do both! When I paint it helps me to clear my mind of the stresses and daily grind. I've learned that relaxation only comes when you feel a release in your body, mind, and soul. I like to think of it as out with the old, and in with the new. So not only do I relax as I create and design, but I am given a fresh perspective through new eyes on how to create and live each part of my life to the fullest at the very same time!